Family Service provides assistance to people who reside in Yellowstone County.
We understand that it can be tough to reach out for help. To efficiently connect you with services, we’ve provided a helpful checklist of things you’ll need to bring with you in order to sign up.
Client Checklist:
- Photo Identification: Driver’s License, Passport, Military, State or Student ID
- Proof of Residency: Official Mail postmarked in the last 60 days with your name and address listed
- For New Applicants: Number, names and ages of those in your household and last 4 digits of your Social Security number
- For Returning Applicants: Last 4 digits of Social Security number and household details
- For Rental Assistance:
– Copy of rental agreement
– Section 8 paperwork or eviction notice, if applicable
– Proof of income (current pay stub, if employed, or disability/SSI verification) - For Utility Assistance:
– Shut-off notice,
– Most recent bill with account number listed
– Proof of income (current pay stub, if employed, or disability/SSI verification)
including Food Assistance, Emergency Rent, and Utility Assistance, Education for Better Employment and Other Programs
Monday – Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Not open on Saturday or Sunday
Please note: As a non-governmental agency supported solely by private individuals and donors, assistance is provided only as funds allow. We cannot guarantee that every applicant will receive funds.